High Desert Gems & Minerals, founded in 1995, provides quality natural gemstones from our mines in the western United States of America, including Nevada, Oregon, Utah and California. Join us in the wild west for an unforgettable outdoor gemstone mining experience. One will learn about the formation of these gemstones from experienced personnel, during a fun-packed rock digging adventure. Our Himalaya Tourmaline Mine and Spectrum Sunstone Mine were both featured on Travel Channel’s Cash & Treasures show.
Scroll down until you get to the mines you wish to visit and then CLICK the photo of the mine of your choice, if you need more information.
Himalaya Tourmaline Mine
 Currently closed As seen on Travel Channel’s Cash & Treasures Dig pink and green tourmalines from the world famous Himalaya Mine! Open year round, Thursday - Sunday 10am - 3pm. Reservations are not necessary. (Monday trips can be arranged by calling 775-225-4245 or to schedule an appointment). $75 per person, 12 years old and under free. Bring cash, check, or money orders for your day fee. Credit cards accepted. Rainy day discounts available! Please: DO NOT “Map quest” the “Himalaya Mine” - you will get lost! Our address is Lake Henshaw 26439 Hwy 76, Santa Ysabel, CA 92070 i n f o @ h i g h d e s e r t g e m s a n d m i n e r a l s . c o m Click here for dig details! Click here for a map! ***Camping, RV hookups, and cabins available on-sight by reservation, please contact: Lake Henshaw Resort.
Spectrum Sunstone Mine
As seen on Travel Channel’s Cash & Treasures Dig, screen, or pick off our conveyor belt (Lucy) for Oregon’s state gemstone, Oregon Sunstone, a.k.a. Red Labradorite. Tipi and cabin accommodations, also free RV parking and free camping! Open daily May 15th - October 15th, 9am - 5pm. NEW!!! Mining by mail....ore buckets available by mail. $145.00 per bucket includes shipping. For details please call Denise at 775-225-4245 or Chris at (775) 772-7724 i n f o @ h i g h d e s e r t g e m s a n d m i n e r a l s . c o m Click here for details Click here for a map
Trilobyte Me! Quarry
NEW DIG!!! Our new trilobite quarry fossil fee dig is open by reservation only. Use your hammer to break apart shale to find the trilobites. We are conveniently located near Delta, UT off a maintained gravel road (4 wheel drive is not necessary). On sight parking and free camping is available. Open April 1st - October 10th. Off season digging available by appointment. Call or text Chris Rose (775)772-7724 i n f o @ h i g h d e s e r t g e m s a n d m i n e r a l s . c o m . Click here for details
What you have been waiting for. Digging turquoise in Nevada! By reservation only, weather permitting. Thank you! Please call or text Chris Rose (775)772-7724 or Denise Olson (775)225-4245
Any questions, contact us,call or text Chris Rose (775)772-7724 , or Denise Olson(775)225-4245 i n f o @ h i g h d e s e r t g e m s a n d m i n e r a l s . c o m
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